Finance Your New Motorcycle with Citizens

You’ve been eyeing it for a while…the motorcycle of your dreams. You’ve done the research, compared options, and have decided this motorcycle is the one for you. Whether you are looking to purchase a used motorcycle or a new one, it is best for you to understand your credit report and the process of obtaining a motorcycle loan. Financing a motorcycle may may be viewed by some lenders as more risky than financing a car, so it is best to know your options prior to making the offer to purchase. 

Know the Score

Before submitting your motorcycle loan application, be aware of your credit score. Your credit score will play an important part in determining what type of lender and loan terms are available to you. As with most loans, a higher credit score will result in more options to finance the purchase.

Budget Yourself

Stay within your budget and don’t attempt to obtain a loan that does not fit comfortably within your budget. Maybe you can’t go with your first choice, but it’s better to compromise on the motorcycle rather than attain more debt than you can repay.

Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions in order to avoid a misunderstanding or common mistakes that come with motorcycle financing. The lender should fully answer all of your questions and explain all the terms and fees of the loan. Do not commit to a loan you do not fully understand.

Do Your Research

Find the best option; compare the annual percent rate (APR) of the various loan options. If you are wondering how to get a motorcycle loan, our trustworthy team is eager to help you get the loan you want, without compromising your understanding. With a quick and easy approval process, you’ll be able to start shopping for a bike suitable to your needs quickly.

Connect with us!

If you would like to learn more about the process of obtaining a personal loan from Citizens Savings & Loan, or if you would like to learn more about other types of loans we provide, we encourage you to contact us today or stop by any of our convenient locations. You can also get the process of applying for a loan started now, simply fill out our online application form and a friendly Citizens representative will contact you!